Cary, NC – April 10, 2021 – TITANS Aquatic Programs: Learn to Swim at the Triangle Aquatic Center (TAC) was chosen as one of 67 from the USA Swimming Foundation’s nationwide network of swim lesson providers to receive grant money in early 2021. The grant award will go toward TAC’s continued efforts to provide free or reduced-cost swim lessons. The USA Swimming Foundation has awarded a total of $507,618 to programs across the country who will provide swim lessons to an estimated 13,800 children.
“We are thrilled to be chosen once again for this grant,” said Mark Frank, TAC’s Director of Operations. “The money we received will be put toward our newest program to take Learn to Swim out into the community.” TAC will be implementing a Take Make a Splash on the Road initiative this year, offering lesson programs at eight local pools with a high concentration of lower income patrons. The grant money will allow the facility to add several new teams of instructors to travel to pools and offer lesson services.
TAC’s Learn to Swim Program has been in place now for nearly ten years and has serviced more than 11,000 patrons in the program. Make a Splash participants number well over 1,400 in the five years of offering reduced-priced lessons.
The USA Swimming Foundation vetted 243 applications through a competitive annual review process and chose 67 programs to receive funding.
“It’s an incredible feeling to know that USA Swimming Foundation (@SwimFoundation) funding will be used to create a valuable swimming experience for thousands of children who may not have had the opportunity to learn how to swim,” Scott Usher, Director of Development for the USA Swimming Foundation said. “We are thrilled with the depth of this year’s swim lesson provider applicant pool and we couldn’t be prouder to support these life-saving opportunities for children across the country. We owe a tremendous thank you to our partners and donors who continue to make a difference in our mission of saving lives and building champions.”
Millions of children have received the lifesaving gift of swim lessons through the USA Swimming Foundation’s network of swim lesson providers, comprised of more than 1,500 qualified lesson providers across the nation. Since 2007, more than $6 million has been awarded in learn-to-swim grants. To learn more, visit www.usaswimming.org/foundation.
For a full list of 2021 USA Swimming Foundation grant recipients or to donate to the Foundation, please visit www.usaswimming.org/foundation
For more information on TITANS Aquatic Programs: Learn to Swim visit www.triangleaquatics.org.