Summer Fun is Right Around the Corner!
Stop by the Front Desk to register and join one of the most fun summer league teams in the area. The TAC Torpedoes Summer League Swim team has the unique advantage of never having weather related cancellations or delays! No practices or swim meets held at TAC will be postponed, cancelled, or rescheduled!
The Torpedoes are excited to welcome back Head Coach Lauren Frank! Lauren is a collegiate swimmer at Cleveland State University and has been a year-round swimmer since age 6. Locally she swam for New Wave Swim Team and the TAC TITANS. She has coached with New Wave and has extensive water safety training and experience. Most of all, Coach Lauren knows how to make swimming FUN for your kids!

In order to register, each swimmer or family will need to purchase a Torpedoes Summer Pass. This pass will grant you access to the facility from May 14th through August 14th. Pricing for passes is below. Swimmers must have either a Youth Torpedoes Summer Pass, or their family must have a Family Torpedoes Summer Pass. Families or individuals who currently have an active TAC Yearly membership are able to simply pay the Torpedoes Swimmer fee of $50 per swimmer. Each registration includes registration in each Torpedoes meet, a Torpedoes swim cap and T-Shirt!
Practice Times and the Meet Schedule are now set. Click the links below for more information and a list of FAQs.
Torpedoes Registration Information with Practice and Meet Schedules