PT Network

Located just to the right of the TAC reception desk, the PT Network was founded to provide the highest quality physical therapy and recovery services. The PT Network focuses on treating athletes and over-use injuries. Their providers specialize in helping endurance athletes, especially swimmers, stay pain free and perform at their best.

For scheduling and more information please visit or call 1-800-815-1189.


Physical Therapy

We have been challenged with countless injuries and can give you the quickest solution to your problem. Their personalized treatment strategy coupled with proven techniques will leave you feeling better in no time! We utilize all the latest hands-on techniques like dry needling, cupping and instrument assisted massage.

We believe you can get high quality; one on one physical therapy in-network and we accept all insurances.

Recovery Services

Once we have successfully treated your injury it’s now time to maintain optimal movement. Active individuals and athletes ask a lot out of their body. Recovery sessions are designed to prevent the return of overuse injuries. We will incorporate techniques such as dry needling, instrument assisted massage and any manual techniques needed to keep you at optimal mobility.

Swim Screen

If you are an avid swimmer or just want to improve efficiency and stay injury free, try our swim screen. Our licensed physical therapist will take you through a 20 minute screen to uncover patterns and imbalances that may be effecting your stroke and increasing your likelihood of injury.

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