Change to TAC’s Mask Policy

On Friday, February 25, 2022, Wake County is lifting the mask mandate for indoor spaces, and TAC will follow suit. We believe that our cleaning and safety measures inside the facility have been effective at preventing the transmission of COVID during daily operations over the past two years.

We have seen staff, coaches, swimmers, parents and volunteers follow our rules for masks and distancing in order to combat the transmission of COVID during regular operations and at events and meets. We also know that the vast majority of COVID positive cases that have been traced by our TAC Staff since the beginning of the pandemic involved exposures away from our facility.

As such, we believe it is time to give all patrons a choice of whether to wear a mask inside our facility. We still encourage healthy habits – stay home if you are ill, keep your distance if you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, and wash your hands frequently. Those simple steps will serve us well for all times.

If you have concerns about exposure, you may certainly continue to wear a mask inside our facility. And if circumstances change in the future, we may re-institute TAC’s mask policy – so keep an eye out for any updates.

Please continue to follow our TAC COVID-19 Protocol so that we can monitor and track any patrons who test positive for COVID or have close contact with people that have tested positive.

We look forward to an even better time when the whole community of organizations and businesses in the Triangle is thriving again. And we thank you for the continued support and cooperation during a challenging time.

Got questions? Email me at [email protected].

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