TAC Re-Opens American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification Program

While the Triangle Aquatic Center remains closed to the general public due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have re-opened our Lifeguard Training Program. This is an essential community service in that we need to train lifeguards so that they may be certified and ready to go when other aquatic facilities open in our state’s later phases.

We have re-designed our Blended Learning Full Certification classes to now be session-based training for the in-class learning. The on-line portion of the Blended Learning still must take place prior to the start of the in-class sessions.

For the in-class learning, registrants will receive a 6-pack of sessions which must be completed before receiving certification is received.  TAC will offer these sessions at a variety of days and times to accommodate registrant’s availability and schedule. Sessions and topics are as follows:

  • Pre-course/In-Water: This session MUST be completed before any other In-Water session
  • Dryland Part 1: Must be completed before Dryland Part 2
  • Dryland Part 2
  • Water Skills/In-Water
  • Spinal Injury Management/In-Water
  • Finals Skills and Written Exams/In-Water and Dryland: ALL SESSIONS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THIS SESSION

TAC has prepared our Center to ensure the safe return of all class participants as we follow and adhere to all recommended guidelines put in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To register for a Lifeguard Certification Class or tow learn more about our program, please visit https://www.triangleaquatics.org/american-red-cross.

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