TAC is Completing Our Customer Service System Switch

The Triangle Aquatic Center Customer Service Team has done a great job despite the delay that has occurred with the import of our new system. The team has been in between systems for the past several weeks. Our staff has worked together each day to provide the best customer service to our patrons during the difficult transition. Our import was completed on the evening of December 13th. The Triangle Aquatic Center Customer Service team is now working to get all accounts up to date while providing the best customer service to our patrons as this transition continues. The team has done a great job learning the new system and will continue to train on and learn all they can to provide the best customer service to our patrons.

We thank all of our patrons for their patience during this transition. We know the new Amilia system is vastly superior to our previous program and our patrons should see the full benefits of this change shortly.

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